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  • Years Active

    1997 – present (27 years)

  • Members

    • Brian Hennesy (2017 – present)
    • Jake Smith (1997 – present)
    • Neal Middleton (1997 – present)
    • Sean Hennesy (2014 – present)
    • Taylor Richards (1997 – present)

Royal Bliss is an American hard rock band that formed in 1997, in Salt Lake City, Utah. They are currently signed to Explorer1 Music and have recorded five studio albums.

They have shared the stage with Kid Rock, Maroon 5, Everclear and Smashing Pumpkins members Billy Corgan and Jimmy Chamberlain as well as Hinder, Three Days Grace, Buckcherry, Stone Temple Pilots 12 Stones and Trapt.

Combining elements of classic rock and modern indie rock, the bands collaborative songwriting ability, synergy and stage presence has contributed to over 30,000 CDs sold.

Royal Bliss worked with accredited industry leaders on "After The Chaos II" like Bjorn Thorsrud(Smashing Pumpkins), Matt Winegar(Primus, The Spent Poets), and Matt Wallace(Maroon 5, Faith No More), and has created a sound that is new and refreshing.

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